As mentioned in my previous post, I would be showcasing my EDC (Everyday Carry)!
*cat not included*
This is just what I mostly bring everyday going to work, and I just transfer them to a smaller bag when I'm not at work if I do need to use them.

(Clock-wise): My trusty Ltd. Too messenger bag that I turned into a backpack!, glasses, wallet, utility pouch where all my cables + battery pack goes, iPod Classic, Sanyo digicam, Sugarbunnies tech bag where all of the aforementioned tech goes, iPad mini 6 w pencil and my trusty Kleen Kanteen insulated water bottle!
Upon taking that photo I realized my phone wasn't included in the picture, so I took a separate one with my digicam lmao
Can I just say that, ever since I ditched my iPhone, I had more time to myself, my family, and rather, more important things. I had more intentional time, to "touch grass" as my fellow peers would say.
I am so grateful for subreddits like the r/dumbphones community for providing so much insight on their personal experiences with "dumbing" down their phone/phone use. My life has improved tremendously. I think that a lot of the conveniences we have today are honestly, quite damaging to our psyche. And like I've said in the previous post, I don't think we're still there yet in terms of understanding how to navigate human life with technology, specifically social media.
I would love to enjoy life and art without today's pressure. I would really like that.
If any of you fellers would like to try and curb your own social media addiction or to just experiment out of curiosity, I cannot recommend enough - dumbing down your phone.
Absolutely don't let the things you own start owning you.