How strange it is to be anything at all (cont.)

I turned 27 on the 24th of April this year and I got to spend it in Japan with my loved one. It still feels surreal as I’m writing this. Every year it seems that I am continually in disbelief that I have made it so far. (cont.)

March till April was such a ride. (cont.)

As mentioned in my previous post, I would be showcasing my EDC (Everyday Carry)! *cat not included*
This is just what I mostly bring everyday going to work, and I just transfer them to a smaller bag when I'm not at work if I do need to use them.

I would have never imagined that I would once again express myself in long form. Social media sites have truly destroyed the art of long form self-expression aka blogging.
To be honest, I am quite unsure still on how I'm supposed to start these things. If I remember correctly, the last time I had to type ANYTHING in length was during my final year in college for my Bachelor thesis. That was 5 years ago. (cont.)